Get Certified in



In Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching - the very living and active Spirit of God is the Facilitator of the Session.

In this Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching Certification - you will discover Biblicaly - ways the Holy Spirit of God speaks and teaches us.

You will learn Scripturally - to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit of God speaking and ministering to you.

Add the undeniable purity of the amazing

animal that God created - the horse - and you will be able to see, hear and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit of God partnering with the horse to

communicate with you - in an undeniable way.

Equine-Assisted Learning, Equine-Assisted Services, Equine-Assisted Therapy, Equine-Assisted Healing and Equine-Assisted Coaching - is not something new; but is all the more gaining understanding and a greater revelation and value to what the horses bring to us - when we partner with them.

Holy Spirit of God leads, guides and ministers in this partnership - as we personally experience an undeniable encounter that is truly Heaven breathed!

Once you gain Biblical confirmation that you have been, are and will continue to hear Holy Spirit of God - you will never "unsee" this supernatural beauty again.

This Foundations Certification will take you into God's Word in Truth and Revelation to know the deeper heart of God through His Spirit. His Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God.

Learn ways that He is speaking to you already.

Add that horses naturally, inately partner with God - their Creator - the Spirit of God - and in more ways than perhaps we have ever known before - we truly can see that they are and do communicate clearly with Him and us.

Do you feel called to know the deeper heart of God through His Spirit?

Do you Love Jesus and horses and feel anointed by God to Coach and equip the Saints of God - according to Ephesians 4 . . .

but you ALSO know that it is through horses - and not in the typical 4 walls of the church?

Then, this Certification is for you!

Holy Spirit said to offer this Foundations Certification at 1/2 off - to the first 22 Women who register.

So get registered now! Certified!

Discover - Biblically - the characteristics of the Holy Spirit of God and how to undeniably “hear” and “see” Holy Spirit in your life - and - as you Coach others in Equine-Assisted Coaching!

Be equiped to lead through God's Word and know the Truth of the Bible of His Promises and Guarantee of the Holy Spirit of God for us, in us and with us.

Grow in your walk with Jesus Christ through discovering more Biblical Truth - about the Holy Spirit of God!

Connect on a deeper level with your own horse.

Be equipped Biblically - to Coach and Mentor others with God’s Truth and horses.

Have a girl's weekend with Jesus, Women & Horses!

Whatever your individual desire is - come!

Experience God's Word - His Truth and how undeniably He speaks through His Holy Spirit, His Daughters and horses!

Start here with the

Foundations Certification!

This is the beginning of something GREAT!

Congratulations to the

Fall Class of 2024

Certified Coaches!

Wanda Eastwood

Founder of

Academy of Holy Spirit led

Equine-Assisted Coaching,

Personal Coach for Women, Speaker, Author, Clinician, Lover of Jesus,

Teacher of the Bible and all things Joyful!

"I am the Founder of

Academy of Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching,

Author, Speaker and a Personal Coach for Women.

I certify and equip Women to lead

in the Kingdom of God - in their very God DNA

purpose and calling but outside the

four walls of the church.

I believe that everyday Saints of God are created, called and equiped to Minister the true Love and Grace of Jesus Christ.

I Personally Coach Women to teach you the Bible in order to equip you to discover your true Identity & Purpose in who you are in Christ Jesus - so you may lead

unclogged, unbound and unleashed in freedom

in Christ.

When you become Certified in

Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Coaching,

you are given Biblical tools and life skills to

live your life in alignment with God's

Truth for you and well equipped to lead

others as well.

So whether you want deeper revelation of

Biblical Truth about the Holy Spirit of God

in your own life - or you feel led to lead in

Coaching, or you simply Love Jesus and horses;

you might just be in the perfect place here.

When you get God's Truth - it sets you free!

When you learn Biblical life skills - you stay free.

When you are called and equipped to Coach

others into their Freedom - we all are free!

Wanda Eastwood

John 8:32

And you shall know the Truth,

and the Truth shall make you free.”

John 16:13

However, when He, the Spirit of Truth,

has come, He will guide you into all Truth;

for He will not speak on His own authority,

but whatever He hears He will speak;

and He will tell you things to come.

Services I Offer

Who am I?

Wanda Eastwood is a fiery burst of Joy that is safe, trustworthy and is sold-out committed to empowering the Kingdom of God to study and know God's Word so you can transform your life - with the Truth of Jesus Christ - and then stay free by learning how to set - and enforce - Biblical boundaries in your life.

"I was a broken messy of a mess and I met the undeniable Love and Grace of Jesus Christ through the Word of God in Truth that burned through and thwarted lies, pain, trauma, fear and regret!"

"I was unleashed into Joy, Hope, resounding Passion and Purpose in Truth, Grace and God's Fiery Glory . . .

and I've never been the same!"

I also am a Personal Coach and Mentor for Women through One-on-one Coaching, Clinics, Retreats, Events and Holy Spirit led Equine-Assisted Learning.

Wanda Eastwood

Have you been praying about who you can

Partner with in the Kingdom of God and

change the world through the Gospel

of the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Have you been seeing how God is destroying

the "old wine skin ways and thinking" and doing

"a new thing" in His Church - in His Body;

outside the 4 walls of the church building?

Well then, I guess you are here by divine

appointment! I need you and you need me.

And Women need - us!

And God - needs us - "Partnering" with Him!

The God-sized BIG vision that I carry will take

more than myself. It will take us Partnering

together with one another - and with Heaven.

I have who are in need of Scholarships in order

to attend the Academy of Holy Spirit led

Equine-Assisted Coaching. If Holy Spirit is stirring

you to be a Sponsor - please do so. I have Women


Lets unite - as one - with the One!

Together, we bring His Glory, Truth and Grace

to earth - as it is in Heaven - one person at a time.

Hear what others have to say
